Statement Of Purpose.
The Manager Of Eventide Is
Ben Birchmore
Ben has had a long experience of care work and we are so pleased to have him as our manager. He works with a close-knit team comprising 2 Assistant Managers, Senior Carers, Care Assistants, Cooks, Cleaners and not forgetting Del our excellent maintenance man.
The Manager, Deputy Manager, Senior Carers, and Care Assistants, have a wide range of experience, with various qualifications, in the care of the elderly.
All staff participate in recognised training programmes, and are all actively encouraged to use the continuing professional development that we provide, to obtain additional formal qualifications.

We Also Have Two Excellent Assistant Managers

Jane has been a member of the Caring Team at Eventide for many years. Jane works mainly in the office but also works on the floor if necessary caring for our lovely residents. She is such a pleasure to be around and is an absolute rock at Eventide, making sure that everything at Eventide Residential Home runs smoothly.

Abbie joined us more recently and is an absolute star. She has a phenomenal work rate and is super efficient. She lives and breathes Eventide and constantly works to better the lives of our residents. We are so lucky to have her on our team.
Our Amazing Staff
The Manager works with a close-knit team comprising two Assistant Managers, Senior Carers, Care Assistants, Cooks, Cleaners, and our brilliant Maintenance Man, Del.
The staff have a wide range of experience and qualifications, in the care of the elderly.
They participate in recognised training programmes, and all are actively encouraged to use the continuing professional development that we provide to obtain additional formal qualifications.
Who Owns Eventide
The primary objective here at Eventide is to provide a secure and comfortable "home-from-home" for our residents, who feel that a little help in their day- to-day enjoyment of life does not in any way affect their independence.

Eventide is set in a prime location overlooking the golf course and a short distance from the beach. It is a level walking area, and when weather permits service users are able to enjoy the short walk.
Those who are not able to go out alone are assisted by staff. We have a small front garden where service users can sit and chat to each other or passers by
The Home provides care for both sexes. Admission to the Home depends on the "Accepted Criteria" being met, and the ability of the prospective client to be able to live "comfortably" with those already in residence.
Only if a resident should develop a condition that causes them to become a danger to the health and safety of other residents or staff, or disruptive and upsetting to other residents, would we recommend that they transfer to care better suited to their needs.

Our Objectives
The primary objective here at Eventide is to provide a secure and comfortable "home-from-home" for our residents, who feel that a little help in their day- to-day enjoyment of life does not in any way affect their independence.

Our Famous Home Cooked Food.
Here at Eventide in Bude we are renowned for the quality of the Home Cooked Food we produce for our residents. They are given a choice from a varied menu. Special diets can also be catered for.
The Home has a range of accommodation, including bedrooms of varying sizes, spread over three floors. There is a lift to each floor. Some rooms on the first and second floors are reached via three existing steps; therefore, a reasonable degree of mobility is needed here. Some of the bedrooms have en-suite facilities, whilst there are two bathrooms and one shower room, all with specialist equipment such as bath-lifts, grab rails and safety aids. There are five communal toilets, a sun lounge, lounge and dining room. A call-system is provided in every room.
Admission Of Residents
Eventide has established a distinctive criteria for 'the admission of residents to the Home (including those in times of emergencies) in line with the accepted policies and procedures for the standard of care to be provided. The needs of all residents are assessed by the Manager and Assistant Managers and a written care plan produced for each resident with their approval, and that of their family. This care plan is regularly reviewed and updated.
Entertainment At Eventide

A varied programme of entertainment and social activities is provided within the Home, and the community. We also try to get several day trips out during the summer months.

Trustee Visits
Monthly "Home Visits" are carried out by Trustees of the Charity when residents are given the opportunity to express their views on the running of the Home. Members of the Charity visit the Home on other occasions for a variety of purposes. Residents can speak to the members of the Committee at any time.
Fire precautions and associated emergency procedures are carried out in consultation with the statutory authorities. There are also very regular Health and Safety checks carried out and we have our own resident maintenance man, Del, who ensures that the guests accommodation is kept up to the standard they would expect in their own home. For added safety residents may have their own telephone in their room but are responsible for their own bills.
Spiritual Needs

Ministers from various religions regularly visit the Home. There is also a wide range of churches and religious groups in the community to suit the choice of the individual residents. Residents are encouraged to follow their cultural, religious and political beliefs, including voting at National and Local Elections.

Eventide has an "Open Door" policy for visits by family and friends at any time during the normal social hours of a day. They are given a warmth of hospitality typical of our caring staff. It is, however, the resident's choice to decide whom they will see. Obviously during the Covid Pandemic Visiting has been restricted for residents safety.
The Care Quality Commission
( The CQC)
Our latest CQC Inspection rated us as GOOD in all sections - To see an Overview of the report Go HERE or to download a full copy of the report Go HERE

At Eventide we are accountable to the Care Quality Commission. Arrangements for dealing with complaints are displayed for all to see on the Notice Board. The telephone number for the Care Quality Commission is 03000 616161.
Health At Eventide
A chiropodist visits the Home on a regular basis. However the more mobile residents can, if they so wish, visit chiropodists of their choice in the town.

We can also offer a Domiciliary Optician who visits yearly to carry-out a full eye examination and supply and fit new spectacles.

If the client requires dental treatment we have a domiciliary dentist who will visit when requested..

Medical Care
Here at Eventide we are very lucky in the respect that we have access to some fine doctors and nurses from the local surgeries, who for many years have looked after the medical needs of our residents.

Residents Privacy And Terms
Residents of Eventide have the right to privacy and dignity, whether they depend on others or not, and the right to a high quality of life. It is the resident's right to regard their room as their own home, and they have the facility to lock the door.
They have a right to privacy in all matters, especially if they wish to be alone, or do not want others to intrude. Residents have the right to ask for help with dressing, washing or bathing, and assistance to retain or improve their physical health and well-being
They have the right to see their own personal records; which the Home is required by law to keep confidential, and in a secure place; subject to the conditions of the Access to Health Records Act 1990, and the Data Protection Act 1998
Terms and Conditions for accommodation at Eventide are set out in our contract and may be viewed at any time. Fees can be paid at a determined period agreed between the Company and the Resident. The same applies to the method of payment.